Our Goals for 2023-2027


Provide access to the workforce through timely licensure of qualified businesses and individuals.

  • Modernize existing systems to expand the availability and accessibility of online services, create operational efficiencies, and expand business continuity strategies.
  • Update licensure options to support marketplace needs.
  • Enhance communication channels to improve customer service and communication between applicants/licensees and Bureau staff.
  • Support training programs to promote equitable access to licensure and prepare licensees for advanced vehicle technologies.


Protect consumers from unethical and/or illegal practices.

  • Modernize existing systems to expand the availability and accessibility of online services, create operational efficiencies, and expand business continuity strategies.
  • Expand consumer protection efforts by deterring actions that pose significant risks.
  • Utilize technology and data to identify compliance issues and develop strategies to prevent misconduct.
  • Analyze industry trends and enforcement outcomes to educate licensees on violations and improve statewide compliance.
  • Develop training options for disciplined licensees to achieve compliance and protect consumers in future transactions.
  • Review business operations to streamline investigation timelines, provide greater consistency, and improve overall efficiencies.

Emissions and Vehicle Safety

Innovate strategies to achieve the emissions reduction goals of the Smog Check Program and incorporate a new vehicle safety systems inspection program.

  • Develop new strategies and tools to identify and combat fraudulent inspections.
  • Implement security and authentication measures to prevent unauthorized use of inspection equipment.
  • Update inspection hardware specifications to enhance fraud detection capabilities and support the inspection of vehicles equipped with new communication protocols.
  • Assess and update technician training resources to help improve the overall quality of inspections.
  • Explore funding options to promote and increase the repair and retirement of high-polluting vehicles.
  • Develop new strategies to reduce emissions and improve consumer access to inspection facilities.
  • Develop and implement a vehicle safety systems inspection program.

Communication and Education

Inform, engage, and empower stakeholders.

  • Develop outreach campaigns to increase public awareness, reach diverse audiences, and connect consumers to Bureau programs and services.
  • Enhance online tools and resources to help consumers make informed decisions about the maintenance and repair of their vehicles.
  • Expand outreach and education to licensees to ensure language accessibility, improve understanding of program changes, achieve compliance, and increase engagement in the regulatory process.
  • Engage stakeholder groups to foster collaborative partnerships and promote opportunities for public participation.
  • Promote automotive technical education and career opportunities to encourage interest in automotive career paths, meet evolving workforce demands, and foster inclusivity and awareness in underrepresented communities.

Organizational Effectiveness

Support successful operations and workplace inclusion through effective leadership, responsible management, and staff development.

  • Refine key performance indicators and workload metrics to manage staffing allocations, improve program operations, and meet performance measures.
  • Leverage technology and continue to support a hybrid work environment to improve organizational efficiencies, increase staff productivity, and expand business continuity strategies.
  • Promote operational consistency across remote offices through regular opportunities for collaboration, communication, and training.
  • Continue initiatives that increase staff awareness of Bureau programs, heighten organizational transparency, and support inclusivity and cross-divisional engagement.
  • Promote staff development and training to increase recruitment and support employee performance, advancement, and retention.
  • Evaluate the Bureau's organizational structure and, if necessary, update staffing classifications to positively impact recruitment efforts and create clear pathways for professional growth.
  • Evaluate the Bureau's organizational structure to identify opportunities to create more diversity, equity, and inclusivity.
