Message from the Chief

On behalf of the Bureau of Automotive Repair (Bureau), I am pleased to present the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. This strategic plan will serve as the foundation for the future and aligns with the mission, vision, and four pillars of the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency: people-centered approach to policy, service delivery, efficient implementation, and opportunity and equity. The plan also advances the Bureau’s ongoing commitment to innovation, institutional improvement, and upholding the mission of consumer protection as the highest priority.

To fulfill the Bureau’s mission, we have developed a plan that engages long-term vision, sets actionable goals, and is flexible enough to adjust to the inevitable changes to the regulatory landscape. I am grateful for the collaboration of staff and stakeholders who contributed to the development of this plan. It will serve as a roadmap for achieving our goals and objectives over the next five years.

As automotive technology continues to evolve, we must set aggressive goals to ensure vehicle safety, protect consumers from unethical business practices, and maintain a fair marketplace. To address California’s air quality challenges, we must continue to innovate and harness all available resources to ensure significant environmental benefits.

As the Bureau celebrates its 50th anniversary, we reflect on the past and eagerly look toward the future. By collaborating with our staff and stakeholders to implement this plan, we will continue to build on the successes that have contributed to the Bureau’s role as a defining force in automotive repair regulation, consumer advocacy, vehicle safety, and air quality.


Patrick Dorais
Chief, Bureau of Automotive Repair

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BAR 50th Anniversary