Clean Cities Coalition Seeks to Expand Auto Tech Training Opportunities

With California’s ambitious clean fleet legislation and the increasing demand for zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs), Gina O’Neal, co-director of the Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition (SCCC) and an associate planner for the Sacramento Metro Air District, gave a presentation at the July 20, 2023 Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) Advisory Group meeting. O’Neal’s presentation included an appeal for assistance in creating training opportunities for technicians specializing in ZEV repairs and partnerships for constructing the vehicle charging infrastructure required to support the growing electric fleet. With substantial grant funds available for transportation projects, SCCC is eager to collaborate with training institutions, vehicle manufacturers, and automotive repair dealers to provide training opportunities for aspiring ZEV and charging station technicians.

SCCC is part of a national network working in communities to advance clean, efficient transportation projects. Some of SCCC’s recent accomplishments include introducing automotive technology and charging infrastructure training opportunities to refugees, women, and high school students; partnering with Aura Planning and Community Resource Project to develop and pilot innovative ZEV training programs; and procuring electric buses for underserved communities. SCCC also coordinates with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Clean Cars 4 All program to help economically disadvantaged California residents purchase ZEVs with supplemental grants and rebates.

During the July 20 meeting, O’Neal emphasized the pressing need to expand training opportunities for anyone interested in working on ZEVs or charging station infrastructure. SCCC is actively seeking partnerships with training institutions and vehicle manufacturers to provide advanced training, particularly for students from underserved communities. To incentivize students and instructors, SCCC has acquired grant funds that can be allocated for student internships as well as stipends for automotive repair dealers who retain interns.

“Working through Clean Cities, we can bring ZEV solutions to our communities. CARB has extensive funds to build charging infrastructure, 70% of which is earmarked for underserved communities. We have funding to pay for student training, but we need access to training facilities. We have funding to help financially disadvantaged Californians purchase ZEVs but we need more used and new ZEVs available for purchase,” commented O’Neal. “While legislative deadlines for a total ZEV fleet may be more than a decade away, the time to train the technicians to work on the vehicles and the charging infrastructure is now.”

To learn more about SCCC, visit Organizations interested in collaboration opportunities are encouraged to contact

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